Who is SUKMEL for?


SUKMEL is designed for Agricultural cooperatives of Nepal. A data operator at Cooperative will manage the registered farmers record and their cultivation records.

Explore more beneficiaries below:

Commercial Farmers

SUKMEL provide a farm management tool for commercial farmers. SUKMEL additionally provide GIS mapping feature, agricultural calculations tools, package of practices to improve the productivity of farm.



NGOs and INGOs working in agricultural sector can collaborate with SUKMEL for running different programs, workshops, trainings for farmers and agricultural stakeholders.

Government Institution

SUKMEL has holistic approach to provide extension advisory services to farmers. SUKMEL provide a platform for government institutions for strategic planning for the upliftment of small holder farmers. 

Input Suppliers

SUKMEL integrates the primary data of farmers and secondary data from government, university and research institutes. SUKMEL provide a platform for input suppliers like Agro-vet, farm machineries, fertilizer dealers etc. The requirement of agricultural inputs including seeds, fertilizer, manure, irrigation tools, inter cultural operation tools, farm machineries, pesticides, herbicides etc for individual farmer for cultivating specified crop in specified location are easily calculated. 


SUKMEL integrates with Market for the proper distribution and management of agricultural products. SUKMEL targets the supply chain management with the prior information regarding the markets like haatbazar, wholesale market, retail market etc. SUKMEL channelize between cooperatives and market for bulk and direct dealing.

Digital Finance Service

SUKMEL records each and every cultivation of farmers. It provides a platform for digital finance service provider to develop strategic plan regarding agricultural loan, subsidy, production insurance. 

Agro Business & Companies

SUKMEL is a platform for agri enterpreneurs. It provides an actionable information and data for the establishment and penetration of agro business and companies. 

Agro Consumers

SUKMEL records all the cultivation status of farmers belonging to certain cooperatives. It provides the data and information regarding the production quality and quantity so that consumers can get fresh and quality vegetables, fruits and agricultural products in remarkable price.



SUKMEL provide a platform for agricultural students, professors and other stakeholders. SUKMEL integrates seed rate calculator, FYM calculator, Land Calculator, Herbicide requirement, Fertilizer Calculator, Pesticide application & dilution tool and many more which help agricultural academics in easy dealing with farmers.

Agricultural Livelihood

SUKMEL provide a platform for agricultural livelihood. Those unemployed willing to work in agricultural operations can get registered in SUKMEL. It bridges for providing agricultural labor or job. 

Custom Hiring Service

SUKMEL integrates the calculation for farm machineries and tools. SUKMEL provide a platform for mechanization in agriculture with Custom hiring concept. 

Organic Inputs Promotion

SUKMEL has a platform for comparative qualitative and quantitative analysis. Analytical report for organic and non organic producers can be generated easily. Organic inputs like organic manure, bio-pesticides, organic herbicides etc can be promoted.

Research Supporters

SUKMEL integrates holistic primary and secondary data. It provides a platform for researchers to analyze, interpret the data generated to have agricultural researches.